My Conscious Sexuality Journey

I always knew that there was great healing and discovery held in my sexuality

By Katrina Clark

My decision to begin training in the area of Conscious Sexuality came from witnessing the limitations we create for ourselves, the shame and fear that can be present when we go for connection and intimacy with ourselves and others.

Firstly, I am grateful to Seb for opening up this space for women to share their experiences. It’s a wonderful opportunity to better understand the many issues we all face within this area of our lives.

My name is Katrina Clark, I live with my husband of 20 years and my two teenagers in Scotland. I am a Certified Sexological Bodyworker and Somatic Trauma Coach.

I have always experienced a strong Erotic Intelligence; my body and my internal emotional world always knew that there was great healing and discovery held in my Sexuality. I also understood that given our primary relationship is with ourselves, understanding more about my unique experiences was essential if I were to give myself to others, in all aspects of my life.

I had to move through layers of shame, confusion, and self-judgment.

I had to move through layers of shame, confusion, and self-judgment.

I spent my late teens and early twenties experiencing sex via partnered sex, unaware of the potential and power it held for me in my nature. I left myself open to abusive experiences, and complex trauma with no boundaries to protect my needs and desires. The more I tried to meet myself via partnered sex, the more abusive it became. I have experienced the shadow of sex, I have been raped, manipulated, emotionally violated, and assaulted. My Sexuality was always a source of healing and understanding, it would always bring deep healing and compassion. I didn’t know this until many years later.

 To fully understand and work with this, I had to move through layers of shame, confusion, and self-judgment. None of which were mine, all from the conditioning society holds. Partnered sex, for me, was simply a source of fun, curiosity, and adventure. It remains an adventure to be lived! My Sexuality was always leading me back to my natural blueprint, to my nature.

When I can guide and educate my children, I feel the possibilities for them as I encourage them to stay close to who they are.

In my daily life, having integrated, studied, experienced, and got curious with it all, it shows up in the simplest ways. At other times, via partnered sex, in my practice or my work with others in more powerful ways. When I walk in nature and feel the connection to all things I feel the connection to the erotic, when I am with friends and feel the loving support, I feel the movement of the oneness. In parenting, when I can guide and educate my children, I feel the possibilities for them as I encourage them to stay close to who they are and live authentically. With my husband as our trust and intimacy deepen and guide us in our relationship, my erotic body always lets me know what is needed in all areas of our lives. When holding space for others in my work, my erotic intelligence is always a trusted guide.  It’s a place for me to take my pain, sadness, and fear.  It’s also a space to feel my compassion, joy, and yes for life! It reminds me that love is always loving me.

No matter how far we are from the wisdom of our bodies, love is always loving us.

Have Courage!

Kat x


My Sexual Reawakening at 56: Part 1