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Enhancing Intimacy Through Mindfulness

Overcoming Anxiety to Enhance Sexual Experiences

“When you change your mind about stress, you change your body’s response to stress.” -Kelly McGonigal

I truly believe that developing mindfulness skills is one of the most important things you can do to enhance your experience of sex.

If you have read my A Brief Guide To Anxiety series then you will already have a bit of a flavour of the benefits of utilising mindfulness practices to enhance your sexual experiences.

In this article, we will explore the benefits of mindfulness as a means of coping with anxiety and enhancing intimacy with your relationships or sexual encounters. I’ll guide you through a selection of mindfulness techniques designed to foster self-awareness, facilitate emotional regulation, and enable you to be fully present, getting the most out of every moment.

Understanding the Connection Between Anxiety and Intimacy

When anxiety rears its head during or in anticipation of intimacy, It can dictate your thoughts, feelings and behaviour. When reflecting on this recently, I thought about how this is a sort of lack of autonomy over your own embodied experience. The benefit of developing mindfulness skills for managing anxiety is that it is one facet to regaining agency over your experience of intimacy. 

Some of the common symptoms and issues associated with anxiety include:

1. Racing thoughts

Anxiety can lead to a constant stream of intrusive thoughts and worries, making it difficult to focus on the present moment.

2. Overthinking

Anxiety can lead to chronic overthinking, a side effect of which can be self-criticism and feelings of inadequacy, further impacting confidence and comfort in intimate settings.

3. Fear of vulnerability

Anxiety often creates a reluctance to open up to the kind of emotional vulnerability that allows for genuine connection and intimacy.

4. Physical tension

Anxiety can trigger heightened stress responses, resulting in increased muscle tension and reduced physical relaxation, making sexual experiences less enjoyable. 

Whilst I personally don’t experience it during intimacy, for me, anxiety presents as a tension in the upper right side of my chest and back. Over time, and as my understanding of anxiety has deepened, I am now able to identify my triggers, identify whether the anxiety is underpinned by an emotion or thought, and take proactive steps to bring myself back to a state of regulation using breathing and mindfulness exercises.

How Mindfulness Can Help Overcome Anxiety

Okay, so to reiterate what I said in the A Brief Guide to Anxiety series, anxiety is a necessary, natural response to a perceived threat. As such, you're not really looking to ‘overcome’ or ‘cure’ your anxiety, but rather develop the tools for managing it and regulating your nervous system in those circumstances where it doesn’t serve you.

So, how can mindfulness help?
Mindfulness centres around the practice of being fully present in each moment, and maintaining a non-judgmental awareness of your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations.

By incorporating mindfulness into your life, you open up to the potential to experience a variety of benefits, which can include:

1. Increased self-awareness

Mindfulness can help you develop a keen understanding of your emotions and thought patterns, enabling you to recognise and address the root causes of your anxiety.

2. Enhanced emotional regulation

Practicing mindfulness can lead to improved emotional regulation, allowing you to manage anxiety more effectively and respond more calmly to stressors.

3. Heightened focus

Mindfulness techniques can help you cultivate a sharper focus, helping you to develop the skills to direct your attention to the present moment and away from anxiety-inducing thoughts.

4. Reduced physical tension

Engaging in mindfulness can help bring about physical as well as mental relaxation, easing muscle tension and promoting overall physical well-being.

Mindfulness Techniques for Enhancing Intimacy

By now you likely have a pretty good sense of why developing mindfulness skills is so valuable for improving the quality of your intimate experiences and strengthening your connections, and below i’ve outlined four mindfulness exercise that will help you to enhance intimacy:

1. Breathing exercises

Deep, slow breaths can help to calm your nervous system and gradually relieve anxiety symptoms. Before or during an intimate encounter, consciously take slow, steady breaths, focusing on each inhalation and exhalation to ground yourself in the present moment. You might like to try the box breathing technique I outlined in A Brief Guide to Anxiety.

2. Body scanning

Close your eyes, and mentally move your focus from your head to your toes, paying attention to the sensations in your body. You might enjoy doing this together with your partner at the start of your intimate experiences to help you both bring your focus to the present moment, potentially strengthening your connection as a result.

3. Non-judgmental awareness

The emphasis here is on working towards being fully present and engaged with every moment. Approach your encounters with curiosity, leaving judgment at the door. Recognise any arising thoughts as distractions, gently label them as such, and return your focus to the here and now. Take your time, and see what you notice.

4. Synchronised breathing

Syncing your breath with your partner can really deepen the intimacy of a given encounter. Your attention is drawn to your own and your partner's breath, bringing presence to the fact that you are here together, sharing this experience. This can create a sense of ‘oneness’ that deepens connection and enhances the overall experience.

Embracing Mindfulness in Solo Play and Self-Exploration

In addition to its benefits for partnered intimacy, mindfulness can also be utilised during your solo play and self-exploration. Some of the ways in which you might do this include:

1. Mindful touch

As you engage in solo play, bring your attention to your hands and pay close attention to how your body responds to your touch. Focus on the sensations, and experiment with varying the type of touch, pressure, and speed to see what you can learn about your body and your desires.

2. Cultivate self-compassion

Practice cultivating self-compassion by recognising negative, limiting thoughts when they arise and replacing them with more compassionate and understanding ones. For example, you might replace “I don’t know what I like, I'll never enjoy sex” with “I don’t yet understand my desires, but I recognise that it's a journey.”

3. Set intentions

Experiment with setting clear intentions for your self-exploration and solo play. This creates a wonderful opportunity to get to know your body, shift the emphasis away from an orgasm oriented goal, and is a great way to practice setting and honouring your own boundaries. An intention could be “I want to try out some new techniques, and will hold off from orgasm for at least 20 minutes”.

4. Reflect and journal

Following your solo play sessions, spend time reflecting on your experiences and record your thoughts, feelings, discoveries and ideas in a journal. Journaling is a great way to process your experiences, integrate your learnings, and build a platform for further exploration and growth.


Mindfulness techniques can serve as a powerful means to overcome anxiety, enhance intimacy, and foster positive sexual experiences for both you and your partners. By incorporating these techniques into your daily life and intimate encounters, you can cultivate greater self-awareness, emotional regulation, deeper focus, and ultimately equip yourself for a more positive, satisfying sex life.

Disclaimer: This blog is designed to be an informative guide and should not be taken as medical advice.